

GDS engineering offers a wide range of launders options to suit customer needs. From simple transfer launders to fully integrated launder systems inclusive of: level controls, temperature probe, degassers, ceramic foam filters, control dams, drainage points, etc.

The most technically advanced way to feed molten aluminum from melting furnaces to holder furnaces and to casting machines is with a heated launder system. We have both the technology and the inventive designs to meet your needs. Our launders have a good sealing, are highly insulated and easy to clean.

Our launder systems minimizes the turbulences and the oxides in the molten metal. It automatically provides the exact amount of metal you need, on time and at the right temperature. Very little energy is required.

The launders systems are pre-assembled for ease of installation, prior to delivery.

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The right amount of aluminium,
on time and at the right temperature.

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Key Features

Launder systems, coupled with the heaters, can move metal flow far from the furnace.
In our launder we avoid corners that cause turbolence, harmful for molten metal.

Aluminium-launder-for metal-transfer